Saturday, September 4, 2010

Definition Concept

I really like the Epstein text for breaking everything down and using all kinds of examples so I am going to go with the definitions concept. A definition is defined as explaining how to use a word. To define things we can use its definition or its synonyms if it has any. A definition is not a claim, just something we can use to clarify things. A persuasive definition “is a claim that should be argued for, masquerading as a definition.” That means when you read something at first, you might think “ok, having a Mercedes means you are rich.” If you think about it, the car might be the only expensive item the owner has. Rich means having a lot of money, not what kind of car you own. In one of my earlier posts, I used an example in which I had to define a “sweep” and a “series.” After reading the definitions section I went back to my post to check if I had used a proper definition. How do you guys think I did?

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