Saturday, September 18, 2010

Organizational Culture

At work, everyone has an individual task but we work as team to give the customer what they want. After going over organizational culture, my work place is a mix between an open/family organization and closed organization. We are a closed organization in the sense that we always have to wear a uniform, have all kinds of policies on how to do things, and if you are on the shy side, you show up, do what you are assigned then leave at the end of the day with the only talking you did was related to an order. I can also see it as an open culture because when we are not busy, we talk about what is going on outside of work, mess around with each other and we occasionally have an “employee of the month” program. Sometimes it just seems like we are hanging out while cleaning something. I have no clue what kind of culture we had when the company first started but 60 years later it is set. New hires adjust to it and policies are made for a reason.


  1. I would consider my work place a open/family organization too. It's really laid back and not really formal. It's kind of a closed organization because we do have a dress code policy. Like we can only wear blue, white, or grey tops with denim pants. But the open/family feeling is what work mostly feels like. There's a lot of us, so it feels like one big family. Outside of work, we are like that too. We get together and send time doing whatever things. It makes working that much funnier because of the family you work with. That's why sometimes, when you think about quitting. It's the people/family that makes you want to stay.

  2. I work in the same type of environment as you two as well. I am a swim coach and my work is really laid back and casual. We just have to wear the team apparel so that everyone looks uniform and parents can identify who the coach on deck. I also have that same open/family feeling at my work because I have known my boss for about four years now and treats me and the rest of my coworkers really well. Another reason why I have that feeling is because I have swam with the majority of my coworkers since I was young and went to high school with a few. Having such a good relationship with your boss and coworkers makes going to work more enjoyable than any other job I have had throughout my whole life.
